Law school

School Notes: Yale Law School
May/June 2024

Heather K. Gerken |

Yale Law School celebrates 200 years of legal education

Throughout 2024, Yale Law School marks its bicentennial with a commemoration of its storied history, current impact, and vision for the future. “Our bicentennial is a powerful moment to reflect on our legacy, celebrate how far we’ve come, and dream together about our next century,” said Dean Heather K. Gerken. The 200th anniversary comes as the Law School continues its mission to redefine the future of legal education, providing students with an unparalleled educational experience that champions both theory and practice and is grounded in a commitment to scholarly excellence and public service. Alumni Weekend will cap off the year’s celebrations in October. 

Scholarship expands to more students

As the Soledad ’92JD and Robert Hurst Horizon Scholarship Program turned two years old in February, the first-of-its-kind program has already expanded to remove cost as a barrier to law school for even more students—a total of 75 for this academic year. The program is part of the Law School’s efforts to expand who sees themselves as a potential law student, building the infrastructure to support students throughout their time in New Haven, and launching them into fulfilling and impactful careers. Since Yale Law School launched the program, several peer institutions have followed suit, sparking a new trend for financial aid in legal education. 

Alum to join Yale Law School faculty

Joshua Macey ’12, ’17JD will join the school as an associate professor of law on July 1. Macey teaches and writes about bankruptcy, environmental law, energy law, and the regulation of financial institutions. He has won the Morrison Prize—awarded to the “most impactful sustainability-related legal academic paper published in North America”—for the last three years in a row. He is also coauthor of the sixth edition of the leading energy law casebook, Energy, Economics, and the Environment

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