People & Profiles

  • Milestones

    Daydream believer

    Psychologist Jerome Singer explored the value of imagination and fantasy.

    Mar/Apr 2020
  • features

    The climate in California

    America's most populous state has reduced its carbon output to 1990 levels. One determined Yalie has led the charge.

    Jan/Feb 2020 | Ico comments 6 comments
  • Mark Zurolo ’01MFA

    Light & Verity

    New provost will be a "student of Yale"

    Scott Strobel is a biochemist and a versatile administrator.

    Jan/Feb 2020
  • features


    Harold Bloom, 1930-2019

    Jan/Feb 2020
  • Milestones

    New coast. New career.

    Former dean Mary Miller '81PhD lands at the Getty.

    Jan/Feb 2020
  • Where They Are Now


    Steven Skybell '84 stars in Fiddler on the Roof on Broadway--in Yiddish.

    Jan/Feb 2020