In 2000 he said the dot-coms would go bust. Internet entrepreneurs scoffed. In 2005, he said the housing boom would cause a recession. Mortgage lenders laughed. Wouldn't you like to know what Mr. Bubble has to say today?
Theater today thrives on the high-tech and large-scale. But in Hunter Spence's classes, students still learn small-scale artistry and old-fashioned cuss words.
Paris 7th. Fifth floor, quiet, studio sleeps 2. Balcony. View Eiffel Tower.
Our very pretty, athletic private client lives a fairly “big picture” life as a high-profile financial executive, but chooses to date eligible, successful men in New York and up and down the East Coast “under the radar.” Her interests include: contemporary artists, museums, finance, hiking, and international travel. You are 62-75, with a great life. : Text/call 917-301-1689.