Richard Borge
• Regular testing of asymptomatic students, a fixture of undergraduate life for the last two years, will not be required this fall. The university has suspended its asymptomatic testing requirements for students, faculty, and staff, though
voluntary testing is still available. The now-familiar on-campus testing sites, in which people swabbed their nostrils in glass booths while observed by an employee, have been replaced by a system of home PCR test kits.
• Vaccines and up-to-date booster shots are still required of students, faculty, and staff, with exemptions for medical or religious reasons.
• As of mid-August, masks were still required in classrooms, teaching labs, studios, and campus shuttles, as well as some indoor performances and athletic events. University officials said that the masking policy “will be reviewed early in the semester and revised, if indicated.”
• People on campus who test positive for COVID are still required to isolate from others for seven days. But close contacts of those who test positive are no longer required to isolate, though they must test and wear masks around others.
• Visitors to campus must be invited by a university host and must be vaccinated and boosted. Some visits, such as to museums, performances, and athletic events, don’t require invitations (but do require vaccination and boosters).
• The community COVID-19 level in New Haven County in mid-August was Medium.