
  • Bob Handelman


    Will Mory's survive? (And should it?)

    In post-WASP Yale, the bastion of the old-boy Old Blues is struggling to stay afloat.

    Sep/Oct 2008
  • features

    The missionary and the gorilla

    A nineteenth-century tale of disease, perseverance, scientific infighting, and a landmark of natural history.

    Sep/Oct 2008
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    It takes a master to make a masterpiece

    Reinhold Niebuhr's daughter responds

    Jul/Aug 2008
  • features

    Who wrote the Serenity Prayer?

    The inspiring text—long attributed to an eminent theologian—may have deeper roots than we thought.

    Jul/Aug 2008
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    How do undergraduates spend their summer? Almost a quarter go overseas every year, but most remain stateside. We asked four undergrads—two who went abroad, two who stayed—to write about one memorable experince of last summer.

    Jul/Aug 2008
  • features

    Old hat

    The evolution of your mortarboard

    Jul/Aug 2008